Columbia Grain doesn’t just sell the highest-quality certified and conditioned seeds, we forge long-term partnerships that provide end-to-end crop health support. Our expert team comprises top-tier third-party breeders, experienced certified crop advisors, and brokers who guide growers through the right seed selection for this year’s conditions and market outlook. Through the innovative seed program Columbia Grain is cultivating growth for all crop stakeholders.

Seed Types
- Peas
- Lentils
- Mustard
- Seed Treatment
LSV Vibrance T P/B CB 0.75 CruiserVariety Information
- Active Ingredient: Sedexane (7)
- Benefits: Controls seedling diseases caused by Rhizoctonia such as seed decay, seeding blight, and damping off.
- Active Ingredient: Fludioxinil (12)
- Benefits: Protects against seed-borne and soil borne pathogens (Fusarium, Rhizoctonia) that cause seed decay, damping off, and seedling blight.
- Active Ingredient: Pydiflumetofen (7)
- Benefits: Trebuset protects against seed borne Ascochyta blight, black root rot, and Fusarium root rot.
Apron XL
- Active Ingredient: Mefenoxam (4)
- Benefits: Systemic fungicide that protects against systemic downy mildews and pythium damping-off.