
Extra Small Red Lentils
- Colorful, small-sized lentils have a dark pinkish-brown skin that covers a red seed.
Pardina Lentils
- While originally from Spain, over 90 percent of the world's production now comes from the U.S.’s Palouse region.
- Not to be confused with your average lentils; sometimes called Spanish brown lentils, their flavor is slightly nutty.
- Pardina lentils retain their shape while cooking better than some other varieties.

Small Green Lentils (Organic Available)
- Tan to green seed coat, yellow cotyledon; these small lentils are often exported and enjoyed worldwide.
- Lentils are considered a staple in the diet of peoples of Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India.
Small Red Lentils
- The lentil is a legume that grows in pods containing one or two lentil seeds.
- These lentils are believed to have originated in Central Asia.

Medium Green Lentils
- Green lentils are the most popular lentil in the U.S. because of their shape and quick-cooking times.
- Scientists have found evidence of lentil cultivation dating back 8,000 years throughout the Middle East.
Large Green Lentils (Organic Available)
- Large portly shape with a bright green color.
- Most economical lentil and a staple food for many South Asian cultures.
- High in fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates, while low in fat and calories.